Welcome to December!

Not only is this the last month of the year, it’s the one most likely to leave a trail of torn up wrapping paper, bills to pay and perhaps some mixed emotions in its wake. December is a joyous month with the potential to be the most stressful of the year – we can not deny the speed in which it hurtles us through and spits us out on the other side – soon to find ourselves counting the days to our next break or vacation.  So how can we help ourselves deal with the overload?

We all have our own way of celebrating (or not celebrating) the holidays and they have different meanings and significance for each of us. Even those who boycott the holidays may still have the strong desire to be with family or friends and it can be rather lonely to find yourself alone at such a time. It’s important to recognize that it is OK to feel both the pleasant and unpleasant parts of your day; they tell us where we’re at in life – where our comfort zone lies, and even when to push beyond it. Often, we can get so caught up running around in the frenzy that we can easily forget to take some time for our selves.

So this December, I invite you to have a seat, be it with yourself or a loved one, and remember to tune into what your body is telling you. Do you need to eat more or maybe less? Stay hydrated? Drink less alcohol? Get more sleep?  Whatever you need to do to regroup and become aware of yourself in this present moment is exactly what you should spend just 30 seconds doing. From this place of awareness is the seed of acceptance, waiting to be shared with yourself and others. Possibly, from this place of awareness, we can adapt to the hectic December schedule with a little more peace and serenity rather than being dragged along behind the Christmas sleigh.

From Maggi, Hannah and myself, we wish you all a joyful Holiday and very Happy New Year!