How’s your Heart?

Valentine’s is coming, love, Love, LoVE! It’s the perfect time to introduce you to Level 3 of network care and its connection to your heart.

One of the difficulties in describing the levels of care in Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is that “Levels” implies a linear progression, first Level 1, then Level 2, then Level 3….. Reality can be somewhat different. The reason I say NSA is not linear is because connections to different levels of care can happen at anytime in care depending on what you are working on personally and where your body is at. Some people have no problem connecting with their heart while others may choose not to do so at all.

Level 3 Awaken

At the end of Level 2 we are stretching open the upper back and chest, as the spinal anchors to our sense of self are released (tension in thoracic spine releases), the wave moves forward in the body from the spine into the chest and heart cavity.  We go from two gateways oscillating in Level 2 to a new 3rd oscillator in the chest. The heart becomes the 3rd oscillator and there is an awakening to a greater heart connection. As with other levels of care there is a corresponding shift in awareness that starts to show up -commonly known as opening the heart- this shift becomes easier to sustain in our lives. The beauty of this new found awareness is that as you continue care, it is being built into the physical structure: as the spine is becoming more open and flexible, so too is the heart. So the connection with the heart and all that implies becomes more and more our natural state of being that we operate from.

Some of the characteristics of Level 3 are more openness, peace, concerns beyond oneself, a desire to make a greater contribution, wanting to experience a greater sense of community, and wanting to make a difference in the world. Having a stronger heart connection doesn’t mean there aren’t going to be challenges or ups and downs in your life. What it does mean is that we can navigate life’s ups and downs from a different perspective, a new reference point that allows greater ease and objectivity in any given situation. From a place of awareness and acceptance, seeing the problem for what it truly is in the moment as opposed to filtered through a lens of  old patterns of behavior, and resistance (both physically in the spine and mentally). As Eckhart Tolle says, “Life will give you whatever experience is helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.” What Level 3 offers is a peaceful acceptance of what is, of who you are and where you’re at, and the deep knowledge of how to realize and utilize your natural tools for better health inside and out.