Principle of Entrainment, or
What are You Entraining to ?
Have you ever wondered why we call what we do an “entrainment”? The principle of Entrainment is well recognized in physics and biology. Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens, observed that when grandfather clocks were lined up on a wall that after a while they would gradually synchronize and start ticking together in harmony. In physics, when two systems begin oscillating with one another they begin to synchronize and a new higher level wave form emerges. In nature, flocks of birds and schools of fish are entrained to the whole group to move in a synchronized fashion with the rest of the group. Dr. Epstein, the developer of NSA, took this principle and, as his work evolved, applied it to the spine and nervous system. As your spinal rhythms develop you synchronize, or “entrain” to higher levels of internal function.
I believe these rhythms are innate, they are already within us and we can recognize them but we sometimes lose our connection. This loss of connection can occur from perceived stresses in our internal or external environment that send us into the protective mode of defense and occurs largely unconsciously. For example, that interaction with a spouse or parent or co-worker can send us into a less than resourceful state called defense. Getting stuck in that state is what keeps us stuck with those tight shoulders, stiff hips, and headaches etc…. well, we each have our own recipe, our own list.
The connection to and recognition of that innate rhythm is a connection to our higher, best version our Self. It allows us to come from a more resourceful state and see things from a different, more elevated perspective. People often tell me that when they are entrained regularly things in their lives that used to bother them can be dealt with much more easily.
Our nervous system is constantly entraining or being entrained to our environment. Thinking crappy thoughts about that co-worker? Buying into the fear generated by our media or our medical system? You are entraining to that vibe and it will be reflected in your state and in your body. Much of our cultural story is based on fear or a feeling of lack: not enough energy, resources, health, wealth. We can internalize and entrain to the predominant internal and external influences going on in and around us or we can entrain to our highest, best version of ourselves.
So the question is, what are you entraining to?
Summer Schedules
We know that you may be away from a regular routine over the next two months. The summer is obviously a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of the lovely weather, getting together with friends and family and enjoying a more relaxed routine! We hope that you also remember your spine and nervous system don’t take summer holidays, so sneak in those visits to us as you can. Even if you come off your regular appointment schedule, you will still be better off if you come in occasionally than not at all :-). We will be taking our holiday the first week of August and will remind you closer to the date.