Coast Chiropractic is moving to Sechelt!

Thanks to your overwhelming support, we have been very busy these last few months and realize that we’ve outgrown our wee office in the Creek. We’ve looked around for a suitable clinic and found one in downtown Sechelt. We will have much more...

March Newsletter

If You’re Happy and You Know It, Thank Your Friends! Harvard Medical School and University of California, San Diego’s research on happiness shows that happiness seems to spread “more robustly” through social networks than sadness. While suffering and loneliness can...

February Holidays

Please note that our family will be on holiday and the office closed from Monday, February 10 – Thursday, February 20. We are back seeing patients on Friday, February 21!    

February Newsletter

How’s your Heart? Valentine’s is coming, love, Love, LoVE! It’s the perfect time to introduce you to Level 3 of network care and its connection to your heart. One of the difficulties in describing the levels of care in Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is that “Levels”...

January Newsletter

  Welcome to 2014 — by now you may have made and broken some new years resolutions, or maybe you’re one of the roughly 50% of people who don’t make resolutions. Either way, it’s an interesting time of the year: fresh start, new beginnings. Good intentions...

December Newsletter

Welcome to December! Not only is this the last month of the year, it’s the one most likely to leave a trail of torn up wrapping paper, bills to pay and perhaps some mixed emotions in its wake. December is a joyous month with the potential to be the most stressful of...